Gaby Divay's UM Archives Research Files
The dedicated FPG & FrL Endowment
(establ. jan.1996)

FPG & FrL Website
Grove/Greve & Else v. Freytag-Loringhoven
Sources & Collections - Description - History of e-Projects
FPG     Chronology     FrL

Two Major FPG Collections
Greve's Translations Collection   (Website)
Grove's Personal Library Collection   (Website)

FPG & FrL e-Editions include:
F. P. Grove/Greve's & 'Fanny Essler's complete
Edited, from the UM's archival Grove Collections, by Gaby Divay
[postdocoral M.A., 1992 ; Winnipwg: Wolf-Verlag, 1993]

e-Ed, c2006

Grove's autobiographical Books
A Search-for America & In Search of Myself
(ASA, 1927) & (ISM, 1948)

Else Baroness von FrL's Autobiography

Mirror-Images 20 years apart:
Else in Palermo, Italy   -    Else in Sparta, Kentucky
(1903) & (1911)

Greve's Fanny Essler novel & Grove's Settlers of the Marsh
(1905) & (1925)

Electronic Video Proceedings
of the 1998
International Grove Anniversary Symposium
In Memoriam FPG: 1879-1948-1998

Marlborough Hotel
Keynote Address
Pulitzer Prize Winning Author
Carol Shields
on Grove's 1922 Book Over PrairieTrail
[30.9.1998 ; mp4 format]
Session VII: FPG's Contacts in Europe & Canada
"FPG International: Greve's Correspondence with Famous Contemporary Authors
Thomas Mann, André Gide & H.G. Wells"
[gd, 2.10.1998 ; mp4 format]

Introduction and Bibliography
to FPG's comprehensive Poetry e-Edition
gd, ©1993 ; FPG & FrL Endowment, c2006

Coming soon:
Greve's Letters to André Gide, 1903-1909
French/English e-Edition
gd, ©2002, r2020

Else & Greve arrested in Pittsburgh (Sep.1910)
[orig. version prepared in German for the March 2006
FrL Exhibition
at the Literaturhaus, Berlin]

Fanny Essler's Poems
Gedichte - Drei Sonette - Geduchte
100th Anniversary e-Edition
(German & English)

Article about
Greve & Else's 'Fanny Essler' Complex:
"Fanny Essler's Poems: Else's or Greve's?"
(publ. in Arachne, v. 1, 1994)

Ein Porträt: Drei Sonette
(1904/5, Facsim.)
related to FPG & Else's "Fanny Essler"

Greve's "Fanny Essler" plans, revealed to Gide
in his confessional letter sent in Oct. 1904
from his self-imposed Swiss exile in Wollerau

Else's poem "Schalk" (text)
Else's poem "Du" (text)

Else prominently placing an
1840 lithograph
depicting the Viennese ballerina Fanny Elssler
in the December 1922 issue of
the short-lived NY "little magazine" Broom

A Key Document:
Gide's "Conversation avec un allemand"

Text based on Claude Martin's 1976 ed. in the
Bulletin des amis d'André Gide
French/English e-Edition
© gd 2001

(German) Articles about FPG & FrL:
"Felix Paul Greve & der Insel Verlag, 1902-1909"
German Studies Associaion, Buffalo, N.Y., 1990

Abrechnung & Aufarbeitung im Gedicht
FrL über E. Hardt, A. Endell & Felix Paul Greve
Trans-Lit, 1998 ; e-Edition, 2005

Ella Arnhold-Lewenz, Bibliophile:
Felix Paul Greve's Wanderungen (mss, 1901)
in the UM Archives
Limmud Festival,
14mar2015 (PPt, 69 slides)

UM Treasures promoted:
locally, nationally, internationally

FPG & Sweden
His last German pubkication Reise in Schweden (1909)
Umeå University, Feb. 2009 (PPt)

"The Rape of Europa on the Prairies"
(about intellectual property theft)
(Free Access To Info. & Freedom of Expression)
Session "Ethics in the Library"
Milan, Aug. 2009 (Ppt, 58 slides)

Greve/Grove's Relations with Thomas Mann, 1902+1939
Invited Guest Lecture
Trier, Nov. 1998

"Grove's Correspondence with his Mentor A. L. Phelps:
an Autobiographical Tale in the Making, 1922-1930"
Joint CCLA, CAUTG & ACCUTE Session on Grove
Learned Societies' Congress
Ottawa, 1998
[e-Edition of FPG's letters, Dec. 2006]

Greve/Grove & Freytag-Loringhoven in Sparta
(Kentucky, 1910/11)
Invited Guest Lecture
University of Cincinnati, 1994

"Muse of important men:
Freytag-Loringhoven in Mubich, Berlin, NY, & Paris
(especially, on NY dada, Man Ray, M. Duchamp)
Invited Guest Lecture
for Prof. Marilyn Baker's UM Art History Class
Winnipeg, Oct. 19, 2005 (Ppt, 37 slides)

"Ein skandalöses Paar:
Greve/Grove und Else v. Freytag-Loringhoven
Invited Guest Lecture
German-Canadian Studies Program
University of Winnipeg, 31.1.1992

Neues zu Greve/Grove & Freytag-Loringhoven"
Invited Guest Lecture
German-Canadian Cultural Association of Manitoba
Wildwood Park Community Centre
Winnipeg, 1997
Three Articles about FPG's Translations

"Greve's Translations of Dante & Swift, 1898/1909"
"Decadents: Translating Wilde, Gide, & Wells"
"Reception in German Journals, 1902-1909/10
Articles about FPG's Two Lives

"FPG's Passage & American Years, 1909-1912
New Worlds: Discovering and Constructing the Unknown
München: E. Vögel, 2000 ; [e-Edition, 2007]

"Grove's German Heritage:
The Evidence in the UM Archives"
German-Canadian Studies in the Nineties
Toronto: German-Canadian Historical Association
1993 ; e-Edition, 2007

"Mutual Reflections in
Freytag-Loringhoven's and FPG's Writings
West of Eden: Essays on Canadian Prairie Literature
Winnipeg, CMU Press, 2008

"Grove's First Canadian PublicationRousseau als Erzieher (1914):
FPG's Model Nietzsche in Munich & on the Prairies
2008 LCMND Conference
Holiday Inn, Winnipeg

Propagating the UM's Resoures at ACRL's WESS/ESS
(Western) European Studies Seciton

"Developing Online Collections for German Studies at the UM:
Local treasures: FPG's Papers & Personal Library, the DysartRare Book Collection, and 144 Free Scholarly Internet Resources"
ACRL Session on Academic Librarians and Archival Collections
Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, 2009

WESS Members' German Subject Guides:
University of Manitoba - INTERNET RESOURCES
in support of the German Studies Programs
prepared by Gaby Divay
(German Studies Bibliographer, 1981- 2013)
144 Free Scholarly Internet Resources

ACRL/WESS German Studies
FPG & FrL e-Texts: "E-Editions include the Canadian author Frederick Philip Grove (aka Felix Paul Greve)'s 1927 & 1946 autobiographies,& the dada Baroness Else v. Freytag-Loringhoven's revealing recollections." -
(Archives & Special Collections, University of Manitoba)."
Section,Digital Humanities

gd's CV

gd's personal Galleries
& NASArt
[since 2010]
Eristische Dialektik, oder die Kunst Recht zu behalten
The Art of Being Right - audiobook at LibriVox
Rare Books & the Dysart Collection

"The First Century of Printing, 1450-1550"
e-Edition ©2010
An Annotated e-Edition
of the 1973
Dysart Collection Exhibition Catalogue
[in progress]
Manuscripts & Incunabula
in the Dysart Collection: Exhibition Gallery
German Printers, 1450-1500
(Article in Progress)
Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff
with Albrecht Dürer's Woodcits
in J. Locher's Latin ed. of 1498
[Dysart no. 22]
(PPt, 60 slides)
LCMND 50th Anniversary Conference
Grand Forks, ND, 2009

UM Dept of Gernan Studies
German Studies Bibliographer, 1981-2013

German Collectioms Assessment
for a Graduate Studies Review, 2008

Adjunct Professor, 1996-2003

Graduate Student, 1985-1993

German Studies Guide:
Internet Resources

["harvested" 144 FREE internet resources
found at German research institutions,
societues, universities, etc.
Compiled for an online ACRL course on
Digital Collection Development
in 2005 ; ©gd, 2009-2013]

UML "Bison" Catalogue Records
For most items for the above Links, I provided detailed entries for the UM's
online catalogue "Bison" - as I did for many
of the books selected for the Department,
or local treasures like the massive
Goethe "Sophien-Ausgabe"
and all volumes of the
DNL [Deutesche Nationalliteratur]

German Literature Papers
[(mostly) in German]
prepared for a post-doctoral M.A.
Brecht, Goethe, Hofmannsthal, Kafka, Musil
Thomas Mann, Rilke, Trakl
Brecht's Me-ti:, Book of Changes
[Fragment, 1930s, written in Swedish excile]
Greek Skepticism
(independent study, UM Classics Dept;, 1990)
e-Edition, ©2007

UM French Department
Littérature française du XVIe siècle
Renaissance Literature Course
[UM French Dept., 1995 ; 2003 ;
2004 (Website)
all three teaching stipends were donated
to the UM Archives
for FPG & FrL Endowment purposes]
Serving as replacement
French Bibliographer
during my colleague's research leaves
French Papers on:
Montaigne, La Chanson de Roland, Villon,
La Pléiade [Ronsard, du Bellay, et al.],Voltaire, Diderot, Marivaux, Laclos,
Balzac, Maupassant, Proust, Gide,
Cocteau, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir,
Butor, Robbe-Grillet, Hubert Aquin,
Jacques Godbout, Anne Hébert
[for graduate courses at
L'Université Laval, 1969-1972]

numerous presentations at various Renaissance Societies,
all related to my Thesis topic
"Nature, Fortune and God
in Montaigne's Essais

a lexical-semantic analysis"
[presented as
"Montaigne's View of Nature"
at the 1987
CSRS / Learned Societies' Congress
Hamilton, Ont

"Montaigne and Religion"
at the 1981 annual
Linguistic Circle of Manitoba & North Dakota
(LCMND) Conference, Grand Forks, ND

"Montaigne and Skepticism,"
Central Renaissance Conference,
St. Louis, 1987

"Montaigne's Influence on Bacon's Essays"
Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies (CSRS)
Learned Societies' Congress, Windsor, 1988

"L'attitude de Montaigne envers les paysans:
l'évaluation de Max Horkheimer"
CSRS, The Learneds, Quebec City, 1989

UMA & UM Websites
The Archives'
FPG & FrL Research Collections
[Site establ. in 1996, e-Eds since 1999]

The Linguistic Circle
of Manitoba & North Dakota:

amd the Circle's LCMND e-Journal

1996 Presidential Dinner Address
"A Bonanza Farm in the Dakotas:
FPG in Amenia in 1912
LCMND Conference,
Marlborough Hotel
[Video Recording by UM Educational Services]

UM Service
a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature
[Member, Editorial Board, 1990-2016]
North American Literature Course

McGill University, Montreal, 1974/75
Term Papers on
Narrative View-Point in works by
Vonnegut, Faulkner, and M. Laurence
and on
Existentialism in John Barth's early novels
Independent Studies on
Rare Book printing, 1450-1550
and an annoted bibliography on Lexical
"Living & Learning in Revolutionary Times"
From Cards to Bytes in Academic Libraries"
Trier, Partnership Conference,
1997 ; publ. in:
The University at the Turn of the Century: Canadian and German Perspectives, 1999).
e-Edition ©2007

Choice Reviews
Publishing Unit, Association of College and Research Libraries
ACRL sent me Twenty-One Titles
in the Humanities Field between 2013 and 2021

Qestions or Comments? gd's e-Mail

Gaby Divay Dr. Gaby Divay
Archives & Special Collections (1995-2019)
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB

gd's e-Mail
gd's Creative Commons Licence BY - NC - ND
CC copyright license BY-NC-ND
Copyright   © 1998–   by Gaby Divay, UManitoba Archives