|  | Introductory Remark: These artful images are inspired by whatever strikes me as "beautiful" at whatever time or in whatever state of mind. In that, I follow the glowing example of the NY dadaist Else Baroness von Freytag-Loringhoven* (née Ploetz, divorced Endell, abandoned FPG-Greve). Like her New York friends Man Ray & Marcel Duchamp & her lesser-knoen German Dada compatriots Hans Arp, Johannes Baargeld, Helmut Herzfeld / John Heartfield & Kurt Schwitters, she was fond of using "Ready-Mades" & "Objets-Trouvés." The first seven pages posted here were adaptied from two of Saskia Hornung's interior design creations, four shots of her family, & the "Found Object" titled Saskia on a Bottle. Unnumered, above & below this inaugural sequence are links to previously established webpages, only one of which - "Starry Nights" - has a detailed accompanying "commentary" page at present. * For three gdArtGallery pages related to my work on Freytag-Loringhoven's artistic development "from Dachau to New York Dada," see the following works by her art teacher Adolf Hölzel: - the traditional landscape canvas Dachauer Moos (1905), which is paired with the cosmic "NASA-Pic of the Day" (29apr2017) - the abstract painting Dynamic Circle Rhythms (1930), which is also paired with a "NASA-Pic of the Day" (23apr2017), and finally, - his equally abstract 1932 Pastel for a Stained Glass Window
For FrL's New York work & affiliations, see - her dada sculpture " God," and her - her" Portrait of Marcel Duchamp" Duchamp and Man Ray, in turn, included two photo portraits of her in their one-and-only issue of New York Dada in 1921, and the latter used - a nude photo of FrL as the capital "Letter A" in a very witty pun about American dada.  Himmelsscheibe von Nebra, ca. 1.600 B.C. (in German) (Commentary on this amazing bronze-age sky-disk coming soon)
Adolf Hölxel's Pastel for a Stained Glass Window, 1932 He painted abstract canvasses, alongside traditional landscapes, as early as 1901, years before Kandinsky or Franz Marc
Battle Scene of the Spanish "Reconquista" (ca. 1250) - reminiscent of early Picassos, as confirmed in E. Horton's 2010 Thesis)
Franz Marc's "Tiger" (1912) A good examle of cubism as propagated by Kandinsky & Marc around this time in their artists' circle "Der Blaue Reiter / The Blue Rider"
Kandinsky's "Kuh / Cow" (1910) Kandinsky, at the time of in his collaboration with Franz Marc on the "Blaue Reiter" exhibitions & publications, adopts a radically abstract style
Picasso's "Nature morte" (1914) This "Still Life with Compote and Glass" is painted from a cubist perspective SASKIA in her Calgary Dining Room, Sept. 2016
Saskia's Birthday Flowers 9jan2019
gd's Very Own "Artful Adaptations" Photos of mundane objects found in her home environment Also: Various "objets trouvés" adapted in the vein of the New York Dada Baroness von FrL 1. Dada Word-List (screen-shot, 23oxt2018), or 2. Red Dada Lips (from a photo of a Brown Leaf) Also: Photos by Friends & Family
1. Riga 1572 -- 2. Rima Rivers -- 3. Brahms' Gipsy Song No. 2
Starry Nights / Starry Skies Commentary (Van Gogh, 1889 & Whirlpool Galaxy, 2017)
Three Cats: Egypt, ca. 500 B.C. - Peru, ca. 1250 A.D. - Meissen, Germany, ca. 1800 A.D.
Two Cats, Blue & Yellow (Franz Marc, 1912)
Two Riders - Two Worlds African Khou, 1830s A.D. & Scythian, ca. 330 B.C.
Two Greek Riders (ca. 450 B.C.)
Two Horses - Two Stone-Age Worlds: Vogelherd Ivory Figurine, ca. 35,000 BC & Lascaux Cave Painting, ca. 17,000 BC.
Sumerian Chariot Horses: Three in a Row, Looking like One
Sumerian Chariots & Horses: From the War-Panel of the "Standard of Ur" (2,600 BC)
One Blue Horse: Franz Marc's "Blaues Pferd" (1911)
Blue Horses: Franz Marc's "Grosse Blaue Pferde" (1911)
Sumerian Eagle-Headed God: Birdman
Sumerian Gods: Birdman & Warrior God
Peaceful Manitoban Winter Scene: Photo by Patti Barss, 2015
Sunset over Winnipeg: watched by our son Jan & Brenda on her birthday in June 2023
Landscape near Haderslev, Denmark (where my great-grandfather B. Asmussen was a Pastor in the 1860s)
Water Lilies Rosemarie Finlay's GlassArt [from a photo, August 2018]
Water Lilies, surreal ... Rosemarie's GlassArt, Detail [gd's adaptation shows parked cars at the bottom (orig. photo, Aug. 2018)
Moon over a Spanish Castle (19dec2016)
Moon over Philadelphia (14nov2016)
Blue Moon (Dec. 2016)
Three Times a Full Red Moon: Total Lunar Eclipse, New York, Oct. 2014 1. Neo-impressionist pointillistic - 2. orig. Photo - 3. Expressionistic |
See also: gd's NASArt Gallery In due time, further information, observations, or commentaries will be added. gd, 31mar20, rev. 9dec2020 |  |  |
Dr. Gaby Divay Senior Scholar, Archives & Special Collections University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB (204) 832 2179 ; eMail ; gd's Website |